/ 20SS /
the jejune certainty
/ 20SS / the jejune certainty
THE JEJUNE CERTAINTY started with the ideas of insecurity, naivety and the constant and intimate battle between one and one’s mind. The structure of the collection is inspired by the character - Briony Tallis of the novel - Atonement. The collection evolves with the mood of the character and her loss of innocence and the transposition from childhood into the adult world. The collection starts off with a pastel palette of blues with a pop of yellow. The silhouette is child-like while girl and plays with proportions and placements of ruffles. The mid section of the collection evolves into more of an adolescent mood, with stark whites and sharper lines to signify the growth. The collection ends with a much darker palette of black and navy, illustrating a more formidable and strong mood while the character has come to terms with her falsehoods and the ultimate atonement.